CASSIE | Donor
Cassie is probably one of the most giving people I know. She has worked in Education almost 50 years and has helped thousands of students get an education. Trevor has worked with Cassie for over 12 years and has appreciated her love for life, her love for the students and her giving heart.
When I first showed Cassie the artwork for my book she was one of my biggest fans! She continued to check in with me and was a huge support. When I finally finished my book and started the printing process she asked if she could support Trevor and I by donating money to the project. Once again, I felt blessed to have people in my life that love and support me. She was extremely generous and thanks to her we were able to afford the first run of books.
“My dear, sweet, friend Cassie, I don’t know how your huge heart fits in your body. I will forever be thankful for the gift you have given us in helping this book come to life. You will always be a friend I hold near and dear to my heart. Love you to the max!”
MELISSA | Creative Consultant
Melissa (aka Lissa Llama) and Trevor worked together for over 15 years and have been good friends. When I (Chloe) married Trevor, Melissa and I hit it off almost immediately and never looked back! Melissa worked in education but is now focusing on her multiple, successful online businesses. She is not only stunning on the outside but is equally beautiful on the inside. She is probably one of the most giving, hard working, and dedicated people I know.
During the Winter of 2021, I had a very stressful start to a school year (thanks to Covid) and Melissa and her husband, Scott, took us on a much needed winter “Friendcation”. During that trip Melissa helped me with many ideas and suggestions for over 5 pages of my book and helped me brainstorm multiple designs for some of the new characters I was creating. Before that trip I had been struggling with a massive creative block and I wasn’t sure about finishing the book. Because of Melissa’s help I was able to get past my creative block and was able finish the illustrations and writing. Thank you for all of your help Melissa, you are a HUGE part of why this book is happening!
“Melissa, I love you dearly and I’m so thankful for our friendship. Thank you for being there for me and for reminding me to love and take care of myself. I thank God for our friendship and I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help that weekend. You were my answer to prayer in more ways than one.”
KIMBERLY | Co-Editor
Kimberly (aka Kimberly Owl) and I became friends back in 2015 when I was starting out as a new high school teacher. She took me under her wing and showed me the ropes as a new teacher. I strongly believe that God gave me that teaching job, not only to show me how much I would love teaching but to also give me an incredible friend/soulmate. Kimberly makes sure I stay sane throughout the school year and continues to motivate me to create beauty for the world. I am blessed to have a lot of cheerleaders in my life who encourage me, but Kimberly is one that I am lucky to see daily.
Kimberly is probably one of the smartest people I know. She teaches British Literature, Science, College Writing, Poetry, Film Lit, and Homesteading and is an incredible teacher to say the least. She is the “go-to” person in my life for all things plants/animals/writing/creating/art. She motivates me to stay creative and is the type of friend I hope everyone can find in their lifetime.
From day one of me creating my book she has been excited for me and encouraged me to stay with it and focused. When the book was finally finished she helped me with my final edits since Trevor and I wanted a “fresh pair of eyes” on it before the final print where she provided pivotal feedback and suggestions.
“Kimberly, I will never be able to thank you enough for your friendship and what you mean to me in my life. Teaching wouldn’t be the same without you and I know my life wouldn’t be either. Thank you for the “constant supervision” so I don’t go to crazy and for keeping me on track (or at the very least, trying to). I thank God for you and our friendship and love you like a sister.”
COBER | Ponti & Wernette
The summer of 2021 I was teaching art camps to my young local artists and I was able to meet a few of the Plucker’s children. After one of the art camps was over I got to talking with Mrs. Plucker about my new children’s book. She asked me how it was going and I was telling her I was looking for a lawyer that was local to help me copywrite my book. I was completely unaware her husband was a local lawyer and was able to help me with just that. I had been praying to work with people who are passionate about what they do and that I could find someone local to help me and both my prayers were answered. She shared Cober’s number with me and the rest is history. I am thankful for the Plucker family and what they have done to help me in this process.
Cober works at the Ponti & Wernette Law Firm here in Walla Walla Valley and has helped me protect my business, book and illustrations. Cober actually grew up in Western Washington,spending summers working on his family's farm in the Walla Walla Valley. After graduating second in his class at Pepperdine University in 2001, he served as an aide in the California State Legislature where he helped craft public safety and public interest legislation. In 2006, he received his juris doctorate from Northwester University School of Law and moved to Phoenix, Arizona to join one of the state's largest law firms. There, Cober worked in the litigation department and was later elected to the firm's partnership.
Following ten years of law practice, Cober moved to Walla Walla where he continues to help his clients navigate a wide variety of legal challenges, including criminal charges, contract disputes, business litigation, personal injury and property damage claims, civil fraud allegations, appeals, and business transactions.
“Thank you Cober for helping me through this process! Knowing my work is protected and everything is taken care of is a huge relief. Your family has a very special place in my heart and I am so thankful for your help and support in this process!”
CHUCK & PETER | Alpha Graphics
When I started working with Alpha Graphics in late October 2021, they were quick to respond, easy to work with, and printed the books lightning fast just in time for the holidays!
Chuck ran all the numbers, headed the project and figured out all the details while keeping in touch with me every step of the way.
Peter and the design team made sure the colors were spot on, the folds were lined up, and the final project was perfect.Alpha Graphics was a huge blessing in our lives and delivered the most amazing product and I can’t wait to work with them again!
“Chuck, thank you for your timely responses, keeping your promises, and helping me keep this book on track! You have been so helpful and informative and made me feel like we could actually finish this project!!! I’m forever grateful for your business and your hard work to get my book to where it’s at!
Peter, you have made sure the colors are perfect, helped tweak every little change I wanted and made sure it was perfect! I am sure there are a lot of things I’m unaware of that you and your team did to get this book to where it’s at. Thank you so very much!”